It’s The People we meet along the way.

-A Note from The Author

These are some collected notes and poems from when i was a kid to now.

The title of this section represents a person i was thinking of for each poem
see if you can tell what’s old, and what’s new
have fun.


Look back on the story you left behind on your path of life, rewrite wrongs, and mend broken pages of friendships,

let a new breeze of life enter your story, but never forget the lessons that made you who you are. As you are but a character within this story,

do not tear pages for other storytellers to mend, instead help write theirs with a gentle hand.

" A story is not a story, without the one who creates dreams"


One human, but three identities, the past, the present, and the future.

They had a chance to live together, but one was born. A human, with its own reflections, and shadows. The life they could have had, was lost, but anew was forged.

With three identities, one to forever follow the footsteps of another and the last to show them their dreams. One human, three identities, and a world created in a mirror image of itself. 

- Udon

Steam fills my lungs and with it comes a fragrance of deliciousness. The aroma stimulates my mind and body in a way that cannot be reproduced. The noodles, like elegant rolls, spark my sweet tooth, that complements the broth creamy and smooth, like a river of milk and honey. As i finish the last miracle, a tear is formed and my life has been changed, forever.


Bare broken bones, and whittled down wonders, a world torn apart through ash and sunder. Minds open and hearts filled with hope, mankind on their last stroke. A glimmer appears through cracks and crevices within the ideas of the conches man.

The idea of a united community, and that community united with others and so on. And through this unity, a greater life of existence and improved human condition. Because through unity we will find our self united.

- Taco Night

Twas the night before taco bell, and all through the night not a care in the world for the toilet swirl, teenagers laughed and danced to their hearts contents, but the smell of beans lead all to their knees, many ran to the toilet-bowl but none could control, the powerful urges doe to their purges.

Twas the night after taco bell and all through the day you could hear people say "hip hip hurray" for there Boulez were set free, until there next taco spree.


Broken, but not defeated, a life stolen, but anew created, a burden, but also a hidden blessing. Opportunity struck, taken with a gentle hand, innocent, and broken. A story of a boy, who became a man, through laughter. A golden buzzer, struck our hearts, and filled another. Second place, the man was defeated,   Hope, was all he had. Broken but not defeated, a hand reached out to the boy, he stood, and laughed, and a crowd cheered. He looked up and saw himself for who he was, now, in this moment. He was once broken, but now he is free, and a new life soon to be. 

"To a future friends and new beginnings”

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