Short Story’s


A hand of stone extends from the earthy ground from on top a hill, reaches out in longing, surrounded by dirt and roughage, waits. Days turn to nights, and nights turn to days bringing with them sunsets and sunrises. The stone hand emerges from within his earthen prison, moss and soil covered, he opens his eyes to see the settling sun. In its beauty he sheds a tear, taking in all the nature around and the sun casting its shadow over the land, laying a blanket of starlight over head. The stone hand, now a man of stone, looks up in awe as he watches stars fly by, wishing to be one of them. He was lonely, he knew no one and nothing other than the trees upon the hilltop, and the land below. So he laid down waiting and watching the sky turn from day to night, and night to day, until one day he watched as a star flew down towards his home. As the star crashed, it burned all the nearby trees . The stone man, in shock clogged his way down the crater to the star itself. When he reaches the bottom of the crater, a fading silver glowing hand extends, from the charred earth. He reaches for it and pulls with all his heart, to his surprise the star flew out overcoming his strength throwing him back crashing to the ground. Regaining his bearings he stands slowly as he gazes into the eyes of the star. The star was beautiful but her silver glow was gone. She walked towards him slowly, when she reached him she extended her hand. The stone man was hesitant, he could feel something, if only he knew what. To his surprise Water started to pour from the sky, it had never rained before. He extends his  hand, clasping the star's, the bright light that was once gone emerged from there hands and ran its way up engulfing them within a vibrant assortment of lights, shooting up into the sky. As they reach the rain clouds they start to dance, creating sparks within, illuminating the once dark sky, dancing every time the sky poured, healing the land. And a single rose emerged from where they met. 


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